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CTI Ohio: Who We Are and What We Offer

What happens when you need a third party contractor to process product orders and simplify production? Turn to us—specifically, CTI Ohio! We know we may be strangers to you right now. But we won’t be for much longer. Here, we’re going to introduce ourselves and what we have to offer to ...read more

Coating Tech Slot Dies: What You Need to Know

Coating tech slot dies. When we say that, what does it provoke? Do you think of different coating methods? Different products and types of technology? It’s okay if your answer is simply “that’s kind of confusing”. We’re here to help, and we’re ready to walk you through the different options, as ...read more

The Industrial Die Cutting Machine and Its Uses

As you approach different manufacturing processes—consider die cutting. You may already know a lot about it; or perhaps an industrial die cutting machine is an entirely new concept for you. Either way, we’re ready to impart some knowledge. Get ready to learn!       What is an industrial die cutting ...read more

The Customized Laminating Machine: How Does It Work?

It’s often overwhelming when people look for a customized laminating machine. After all, there are so many different types of laminators, even different laminating procedures. The right laminating machine won’t just fit your order—it will also have the customizable features to fit your project perfectly. Find out what you need to ...read more

Slot Die Coating Application: The Must-Know Principles

If you’re creating a flexible, thin-film product, it’s likely that you’ll need to explore at least one type of slot die coating application. But how does the process work? What are its basic principles? We’ve got you covered. Check it out! What are the Applications of Slot Die Coating? When you ...read more

Tolling Agreement Manufacturing and Its Alternatives

Contract manufacturing, tolling agreement manufacturing, OEM manufacturing… You’ve probably heard of all of these third party manufacturing options at one point or the other. But what do they all mean on a practical level? As a business owner, you’ll probably consider third party manufacturing as your business grows bigger and better. ...read more

The Tolling Fee Manufacturing Benefits You Should Know About

You’re probably here because you’re curious about tolling fee manufacturing—and maybe a little confused. Don’t worry. We’ve done the work for you! Below, we’re discussing the ins and outs of this process, as well as its benefits. What is tolling fee manufacturing? The workings of tolling fee manufacturing lie in the ...read more

How A Toll Milling Agreement Works

Before you make a toll milling agreement, stop here! We have the information you need to know before you move forward with committing to an official agreement (and manufacturer). From how toll milling works to its benefits, look no further. We’ve got you covered. What is toll milling? What is a ...read more

Slot Die Coaters: The Basics Behind the Equipment

You may or may not be familiar with the slot die coating process—but chances are that if you’re working within manufacturing or running a business dependent on manufacturing, you’ll need to be familiar with it at some point. Fortunately, we’re ready to help. From the ins and outs of slot die ...read more

Roll Coating Machines: What You Need to Know

So, you’re interested in roll coating machines and their processes. Don’t worry—if you have questions, we have answers. From how roll coating works to how you execute it, read more to get in the loop!     What are the different types of roll coating? Industrial roll coating comes in multiple ...read more

The Gravure Coating Machine and Its Processes

One thing you’ll notice as you explore different coating types is the popularity of gravure coating, and with it the gravure coating machine. We work with many different types of gravure coatings. We may favor a single coating process over others due to its specific qualities and capabilities, as well as ...read more

The Slot Die Coating Machine: What it Does and Why We Need It

What makes the slot die coating machine so important? Trust us, we’ve got the answer to that question—and a lot more. Check out what’s really behind this innovative process! What’s the difference between slot die coating and blade coating? A prominent point of slot die coating is its status as a ...read more