A roof is what makes a building—well, a building. Without the roof, no building can do its job. That’s why it’s crucial for roofers and other building pros to have the latest and best roofing materials. Adhesive roof underlayment is one of the must-have materials for today’s roofer. Let’s identify some ...read more
Today, the roofing materials that protect our homes from hazards like roof leaks and wind are better than ever. One important part of why these materials are so advanced? Improvements in adhesive roof and self-adhesive roof tarp manufacturing have pushed the industry forward, giving builders better choices. There’s no denying, however, ...read more
In the competitive world of manufacturing, there’s not much room for “close enough.” Manufacturers need to use the most advanced technologies available to get results that meet specifications every time. Precision die technologies for die cutting materials are one important way to do that. Now more than ever, there’s a huge ...read more
Without a doubt, running a business comes with many tasks. This is true whether your company is large, small, independently-owned or a corporation. The multiple tasks are sometimes difficult to process on your own. Especially, this is true when highly technical and expensive equipment is involved. Therefore, whenever you have an ...read more
High-performance roofing materials - such as the adhesive roof tarp - are in high market demand. However, many manufacturers still struggle with the capital costs of purchasing adhesive coating equipment. Conversion Technologies International specializes in filling exactly this type of gap in capacity. An Adhesive Roof Tarp is a High-Demand Material The self-adhesive ...read more
There are many benefits to white roof coating. For one thing, white roof coating absorbs less heat than dark roofs, meaning that homes with white roofs don’t need to rely as much on air conditioning during hot summer months. This can reduce cooling costs by up to 40 percent. In addition ...read more
It’s been a rainy year so far in the U.S. with rainfall totals continuing to accumulate across the country. The weather has been affecting many industries in 2013, and it looks like the fall and winter will continue to be wetter than usual in regions of the U.S., according to predictions. When the ...read more