Do I Need a Wide Format Laminating Machine?
So you want to buy a laminating machine. Here’s the thing: If you’ve never invested in or used one before, that’s kind of a tall order. Never fear! Conversion Technologies International has a quick summary of the basics right here. Did you know there are different types of laminating machines, for example? Ever heard of a wide format laminating machine?
Well, let’s start there.
What is a wide format laminating machine?
A wide format laminating machine is quite different from the types of laminators you’ll use at home. When you’re crafting, you’re often handling small or standard-sized documents. We typically recommend a wide format laminating machine for commercial projects. However, it’s not uncommon to see these machines in use at schools. In fact, they’ve even been put to use by the government!
Usually, we utilize a wide format laminating machine when laminating poster-sized documents, or even signage. Furthermore, these machines can laminate inkjet and offset press output.
What sizes do laminating machines come in?
Laminating machines aren’t “one size fits all”. Which is a good thing! The more options we have available, the easier it is for us to be flexible. There’s a laminating machine fit for your project—finding it may simply be a matter of trial and error. And research. (That’s where, if you’re working with a third party manufacturer like CTI, we come in.)
Remember that some lamination projects are more small scale. In some cases, buyers seek laminating machines for more individual purposes. They don’t need something the size of a commercial laminator machine, or a wide format laminator. The most common types of laminating machines range from four inches to 13 inches wide. Some roll laminators, on the other hand, are more likely to fall between nine inches and 27 inches in width. However, a wide format laminating machine can reach sizes of up to 44 inches wide.
While you may want to experiment with your project, the clearer your concept before you select a laminating machine, the better. Not only will this save you money—it will save you time (and stress) as well. You’re doing the right thing by researching ahead of time. Choosing a laminator involves a lot more than looking up the question of large format laminator machine near me.
What should I look for when buying a laminating machine?
As you search for the right laminating machine, you should first know exactly what your needs are. If you’re looking for a wide format laminating machine, it’s probable that you specifically need an industrial laminator machine. These are meant for large scale, commercial projects. They work quickly, efficiently, and offer big results.
Some of the other factors to consider when selecting a laminating machine:
- The film thickness. Typically, we measure laminating film in millimeters. While smaller millimeter numbers offer more flexibility, the larger the number, the thicker the final film. Larger numbers tend to be more solid. A pouch laminator usually covers a film thickness ranging from three to 10 millimeters. An automated machine, on the other hand, offers three millimeter and five millimeter options.
- Document size. Are you working with standard size documents or a wide range of sizes? Remember, laminators can process everything from banners to business cards.
- Number of sheets. Are you laminating a few items a week, or do you need to handle major projects?
- Number of people using the machine. Naturally, if you’re dealing with a more individual production, there may be a limited amount of people working with the machine. Additionally, they’ll probably only use it for one project at a time. A more commercial machine is larger and will probably require experienced professionals.
- Cost efficiency. If you buy a laminating machine outright, you’re making a permanent investment. Additionally, you’ll still need to invest in the materials as well. This is why some business owners choose to work with contract or toll manufacturers that can handle the production. It’s less for you to worry about, and you don’t need to make a long-term investment in a machine you may use in a limited capacity.
What size laminator is best?
Like we mentioned earlier, there isn’t a single size of laminator that is “best”. While a pouch laminator may be better suited for a more casual usage, a wide format laminating machine better suits bigger projects. It’s really about what you need to get out of a project.
Additionally, you may want to assess your business and its growth before selecting a laminator. Have you ever used a laminating machine before? If so, how has it worked for you? Why would you consider a different size of laminator?
Keep in mind that you don’t have to make this decision alone. You may want to consult with experienced manufacturing professionals before making a decision. And if you aren’t quite ready to buy your own laminating machine, like we said earlier, you have alternative solutions. The reality is that you can always invest in your own permanent laminating machine at a later date. However, it’s a lot harder to get rid of a laminating machine you’ve already purchased.
In Conclusion
So, you’ve learned the laminating machine basics. The best way to explore further is consulting with the pros and delving into the deeper questions. Call CTI at 419-924-5566 or contact us right here. This is the beginning. Before you know it, you’ll know exactly what you need for your specific project!
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