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Are You Considering High Pressure Laminate Manufacturers?

On the surface, laminating seems to be a fairly simple process. Lamination involves merging different layers of rolled or sheet goods, ultimately using heat and pressure to combine them. However, over the years the process has become a bit more complex. Business owners want lamination that is not only aesthetically appealing, ...read more

A Flat Bed Die Cutting Machine: Benefits and Alternatives

As a manufacturer, you’ll inevitably face a certain amount of challenges. These may leave you considering manufacturing techniques that you previously didn’t prioritize. If your main goals are to create products made from flexible materials (think pads or spacers) you’ll likely need a flat bed die cutting machine, or perhaps a ...read more

Understand How Companies That Outsource Manufacturing Benefit

No matter what your business manufactures, you may at some point consider outsourcing production. It’s understandable if you’re hesitant at first. Outsourcing means allowing another company to handle important processes. You may feel as though you’ve lost control by outsourcing, but this couldn’t be further from the truth—especially if you work ...read more

How Tolling Services Simplify Your Manufacturing Processes

Everyone likes to have as much control over their business’s processes as possible. Yet, at times you may need the services of a toll manufacturer. It can be a little intimidating to begin outsourcing manufacturing services. Ultimately, this is not only the right decision for your business, but potentially the best ...read more

Need a Kiss Cutter Machine? Use a Contract Manufacturer!

“Kiss cutter machine” might sound like the name of a rock band. Actually, though, it’s an important piece of manufacturing equipment. A machine that can perform kiss cuts is essential to conversion manufacturing processes for many businesses. Why is a kiss cutter machine so important for some manufacturing processes? How can ...read more

Custom Die Cutting Services: Essential Facts to Know

Custom die cutting is one of the many manufacturing processes that convert rolled and sheet goods into their final forms. However, the labor and equipment costs associated with die cutting can be significant. That’s why many businesses use contract custom die cutting services for creating die cut goods. Use this die ...read more

What is Materials Converting and Who Should I Choose?

Materials converting, broadly speaking, means manufacturing processes that turn raw materials into finished goods. In practice, you’ll most often hear this term in reference to rolled goods manufacturing. Typically, it means combining multiple layers of web material into a single product. Adhesive coating, laminating, and die cutting are all common elements ...read more

Die Cut Plastic: Can I Use a Contract Die Cutting Service?

Plastic is one of the most versatile and widely used materials in manufacturing and industry today. One reason for its popularity is that plastic is easy to cut and shape into many different formats. To perform these cuts, manufacturers often rely on die cutting, which makes die cut plastic a manufacturing ...read more

What is a Contract Manufacturer and Do I Need One?

You might have heard the term “contract manufacturer” in discussing supply chains and manufacturing. But what is a contract manufacturer exactly, and which businesses can get the most out of contract manufacturing services? Contract manufacturers are among the most important elements in many business’ supply chains. These manufacturers provide production capacity ...read more

How Contract Die Cutting Services Can Help Your Business

Die cutting is an important part of many production processes. It allows manufacturers to easily create clean, mass-producible parts. However, because the costs involved with in-house die cutting are significant, it’s also common to use contract die cutting services. First, we’ll look at the key elements of die cutting services here, ...read more

Making and Using Adhesive Roof Underlayment Products

A roof is what makes a building—well, a building. Without the roof, no building can do its job. That’s why it’s crucial for roofers and other building pros to have the latest and best roofing materials. Adhesive roof underlayment is one of the must-have materials for today’s roofer. Let’s identify some ...read more